Muy Anti-Bueno

I don't know what I'm talking about.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Something Awesome This Way Comes

Suspenseful choral music begins, akin to 'Duel of the Fates/Corn on the Cob' from Star Wars III.

Announcer: It was the awesomest thing of 2003...

Scene of a horde of robed cultists kneeling in the shadow of an ominous colossus, vaguely crab-shaped.

Announcer: It rocked like nothing had before...

Scene of a tiny car crashing through a plateglass window, as clowns with automatic rifles spill out in an unending stream.

Announcer: But now, your world will be ROCKED TWICE AS HARD!

A lumberjack smashes a skyscraper over Godzilla's head.

Announcer: Twice the coins...

Scene of panicked midgets fleeing from an avalanche of change.

A: Twice the badass...

Scene of a katana wielding, trenchcoated Chuck Norris dueling with a cyborg Mr. T.

A: Twice the lack of known limits!

Music picks up into a rapid techno beat as scenes of lasersharked awesomeness flash past - robot dinosaurs, people with swords wider than their torso, cowboys with M-60s, ninjas fighting pirates in mechs, Vin Diesel headbutting people through walls - before ending in a large explosion from which text flies and settles on the screen:

d02: Second Edition
Twice As More Unknown Limits
Twice the Known Unlimiteds



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