During the development of the human body inside the womb, the mezzoderm excretes a chemical around the neural tube. Depending on the amount of the chemical they are exposed to, the cells become different kinds of nerve cells.
The chemical is called
Sonic Hedgehog.Labels: school, weird
Cookie Monster-voiced covers of classic songs like
Eye of the Tiger.http://www.myspace.com/tenmaskedmen Labels: muzak
"Enough is enough! I have had it with these motherfucking dogs in this motherfucking vineyard!"
-Mr. SaltLabels: geekery
Suspenseful choral music begins, akin to 'Duel of the Fates/Corn on the Cob' from Star Wars III.Announcer: It was the awesomest thing of 2003...
Scene of a horde of robed cultists kneeling in the shadow of an ominous colossus, vaguely crab-shaped.
Announcer: It rocked like nothing had before...
Scene of a tiny car crashing through a plateglass window, as clowns with automatic rifles spill out in an unending stream.Announcer: But now, your world will be ROCKED TWICE AS HARD!
A lumberjack smashes a skyscraper over Godzilla's head.Announcer: Twice the coins...
Scene of panicked midgets fleeing from an avalanche of change.
A: Twice the badass...
Scene of a katana wielding, trenchcoated Chuck Norris dueling with a cyborg Mr. T.
A: Twice the lack of known limits!
Music picks up into a rapid techno beat as scenes of lasersharked awesomeness flash past - robot dinosaurs, people with swords wider than their torso, cowboys with M-60s, ninjas fighting pirates in mechs, Vin Diesel headbutting people through walls - before ending in a large explosion from which text flies and settles on the screen:
d02: Second EditionTwice As More Unknown LimitsTwice the Known Unlimiteds
Labels: geekery
I rarely remember my dreams. I'll have vague recollections, but that's about all.
I do remember that last night I deamt about playing A Game of Thrones, and everyone in my dreams spoke in Travis' voice.
Is a
site where you can enter in a song or artist and it will stream music it deems similar to that.
My current 'radio stations' are Kraftwerk, Curtis Mayfield, Material, and Hans Zimmer.
The Internets: Providing you with cool free stuff since '91.
Labels: muzak