Muy Anti-Bueno

I don't know what I'm talking about.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006


First Actual Post

Today was July the Fourth, during which we celebrate flipping the political birdie to King George by setting fire to packs of colored gunpowder. All in all, a truly fantastic holiday.

It struck me this morning (by which I mean 2 p.m.) that if we could appeal to the same sense of quasi-spiritual nationalism that imperialists did with Manifest Destiny, America could really become a real force of good in the world. The Great Society and other projects of the 20th Century were a step in the right direction, but naturally it's harder to get people enthusiastic about being altruistic than it is to convince them that taking a lot of land by force is a good idea.

Now that it's summer and I have huge amounts of time, I've decided that I shall sometime make a 24-Hour RPG. I know you're not supposed to brainstorm ahead of time, but it's nigh-impossible not to occasionally kick around an idea or two.

Initially, I thought I'd do something silly with an alliterative title, like Vikings and Vampires. Then, I had the idea of doing (what would likely not end up being a 24-Hour RPG, since I'd want to refine it down) a NationStates: the RPG type game. Quite a challenge, naturally, but with great potential. You could either do it in a PvP form (in which case it'd be like highly detailed Risk), or in traditional Players-and-a-GM form (the 'party' being an alliance like NATO or the Allies, and the GM's 'NPCs' being a BBEG like the Axis and various rogue states).

The main obstacle to me doing any sort of RPG-making would be mathematical incompetence (I'm baffled at how people start from scratch and make a balanced game), and possibly a fundamental unwillingness to think in high-falutin' Forge-like terms. I think for now I'll just stick to the NS site and hopefully some Striker in the future.

And thus ends the first segment of my unintentionally steam-of-conciousness bombasticity.

>I've decided that I shall sometime make a 24-Hour RPG

Before you start designing, you might want to check out the Power 19. It's a set of questions you answer about your game before you start designing that helps guide the design process. And there's no "Forge Speak" involved either, promise!
Thanks, that'll come in very handy.
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